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Scissors Servicing
Love your scissors!

Treat them to a service if they are not performing properly or you may be causing even more damage from forcing the blades to cut.

We offer a Traditional Japanese scissors sharpening service, employing the same tools and techniques required to make the scissors we sell.

Our Bladesmiths have been fully trained in this art and have over a decades experience at their disposal.

Enter a quantity for the amount of scissors you need sharpened and we will send you a freepost service pack with all of the instructions needed for you to send your scissors to us.

We are more than happy to service any brand of scissors.

Qty Discounts Off Price
Welcome to the Scissorlab!

We are Importers & Distributors for The UK and Ireland of some of the world's finest Hairdressing Scissors, Combs, Brushes, Razors, Leather Cases & Accessories.

Our Products have been carefully selected from Togiya Scissors Japan, PI - Precision Instruments, Beuy, Vess, FEJIC, YS Park, E-Clips & Nikky Blades.

©2025 Scissorlab Ltd. All rights reserved.